CRAMBA Board Meeting 12/13/18
Sorry this is so late getting posted. I got busy with the holidays and forgot to post.The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm at Steampunk in Utica. Attending the meeting were Steve Vigneau, Wade Robbins, Brian McPherson, and Mike Reeves.Finances for the chapter have been set up on Quickbooks and our balance as of 12/13/18 was $34,958.92.Snowdog Groomer has been purchased and we are still awaiting snow.Stony plan is in, and they are working on final approval.MMBA Seven Lakes Project- MMBA was given $20,000 for the project. The money was not set aside as directed, and was spent. Jason Aric Jones was working on the project and has stepped down after the MMBA 's mismanagement of funds.The January membership meeting will once again be held at CK Diggs. We are aware of the difficulty for us to hear last time, so we have worked with the owner of CK Diggs and we have a microphone set to run through the speakers in that room. This should solve the problem.Meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.