October 2018 CRAMBA Membership meeting at Ck Diggs in Rochester Hills.  The meeting was called to order by Steve Vigneau at 7:15 pm.  Board members present at the meeting were Steve Vigneau, Kristen Barry, Brain McPherson, and Mike Reeves.Stony Creek Update:Applied Trails Research is finishing up, and will be seeking approval later this year.  The project is estimated to run around $250,000.Howlin at the Moon event is coming up at 6:30 on 10/27/18, bring lights.  It is a fundraiser for the new trail project.  It includes something for all the major user groups.  Hiking, Running and MTB.  We are looking for volunteers to lead rides by people that are familiar with the Sheldon Trails. Addison Oaks Race update:The race was successful even with the threat of poor weather.  Around 300 racers entered the event and is our major fundraiser for the chapter apart from the dues and individual donations.  The race generated around $6,000 for the chapter.  A new start finish route was utilized this year and it worked out great. Aye CRAMBA It's Cold Out!:This event is coming up February 2nd with 2/16 has a make up day.  It is a demo day with local shops being on site at River Bends.  We are in search of volunteers for this event.  Please contact Kristen Barry if you are interested in helping out. Massive Fallout update:Brian McPherson spent a lot of time setting up the course due to a lack of volunteer support.  The weather was not good and Brain stated that only 4 people actually completed the whole route.  Despite the weather there was a pretty big turn out considering the weather.  Next year we may try and coordinate Massive Fallout with the Rochester Octoberfest.  There are some logistical struggles such as parking.  If you have ideas please consider coming to the January membership meeting and sharing, or contacting a board member. Membership update:Chris Westerlund reports we have around 450 paid members at the moment.  Please renew your membership.  The IMBA is sponsoring a membership drive where you can win a Yeti Kit plus a $2,000 JensonUSA shopping spree, a Western Spirit cycling trip for two and a bike flights shipping voucher for two.  This is good for the month of October only. Kristen Barry's treasurer report:Kristen states that we are in good shape financially with about $36,000 in the bank with no further major expenses coming up this year.  Last year at this time we had about $30,000.  As a board we decided to set aside $10,000 for trail improvements.  We let the various trail coordinators know that they could have up to $1,000 for projects, and to let us know.  We have around $12,000 a year in operating expenses which includes such things as $7,600 for insurance ($1600 for race and $6000 for chapter insurance),  and $600 for the storage unit. Addison Oaks Update:Working on an agreement with the park that will allow us to have large scale trail days, above and beyond the great work that Paul does out there.  They are going to try and improve the trail grooming process this winter, so look for groomed fat biking at Addison this winter. Bald MountainNo report Bloomer Update:There will be a fall project, not sure what it is yet, so more to follow.  Continuing to try and peacefully coexist with the other trail users and making sure all parties are happy.  Looking to for a volunteer and a truck to pickup a large amount of flagstone and bring it to the park. Clinton River Park Update:everything is going good at CRPT and look for improved signage in the near future. Columbus Park Update:Approximately 1 mile of new trail and continuing to work with the park for more trail. Holdridge Update:No report. Pontiac Lake Recreation Area Update:No report. River Bends Update:New CK Loop about half done and will hopefully be completed this fall.  The temporary bridge accessing the new loop will be replaced soon and will be about 6 feet wide with railings.  The new loop will also be included in the fat bike grooming process this winter. Stony Creek Update:The major Sheldon Trails Project is really the only news here. Night Riding Etiquette:Make sure the particular park is open for night riding.  And if you are riding backwards please yield to the riders going the standard direction. Bike Patrol Update:No report from Jeremy Verbeke at this time.  However we ill report that Jeremy passed the medical certification process and is the mountain bike patrol director.  This transition is on going and look for more news in the future. CRAMBA Board Update:Steve Vigneau can no longer be the chairperson (Term limited), but will be staying on the board in come capacity.  Kisten Barry can no longer be the treasurer (term limited), and will be stepping down from the board and will be the CRAMBA volunteer director.  Mike Reeves and Brian McPherson will also be staying on the board.  Eric Mile will be stepping down from the board.  Thank you to Wade Robbins, Ivan Krasanov, and Roger Class who volunteered to be on the board. The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 pm.


CRAMBA Fall Membership Drive


Massive Fall Out is upon us!